Allows to retrieve all attributes of a given customer. Customer should belong to the customer that authenticated the request.
Implementation details
This function supports trusted mode in which case i_wholesaler (integer) parameter should be supplied.
- i_customer (integer) or customer's name (string). Required
- result - OK means that query was successful. String.
- customer - structure containing all attributes of the customer. The attributes are identical to input parameters of the createCustomer() function.*
- XMLRPC fault in case of any error.
* In >=5.2 version sensitive fields with password-related information were excluded from returned data, e.g. web_password and api_password
For historical reasons the function returns negative number for positive balance and positive number for the negative balance. Client-side code needs to handle this condition.
Example of how to get account info via CURL tool:
curl -k --digest -u CustomerA-Web-Login:CustomerA-API-password -d '<?xml version="1.0"?> <methodCall> <methodName>getCustomerInfo</methodName> <params><param><value><struct> <member><name>i_customer</name> <value><int>3</int></value> </member> </struct></value></param></params> </methodCall>'