
The application supports trusted mode and i_customer parameter should be supplied in this case.

Allows to retrieve all attributes of a given service plan. To be found the service plan is to belong to the customer that authenticated the request, unless trusted mode is used.


    • i_billing_plan (integer). Required


    • result - OK means that service plan has been found. String.
    • service plan in a form of structure:
      • i_billing_plan - i_billing_plan of service plan. Integer.
      • i_tariff - i_tariff of service plan. Integer.
      • i_customer - i_customer of customer owns service plan. Integer.
      • name - name of service plan. String.
      • description - description of service plan. String.
      • suspend_all_calls - if calls should be suspended when all limits are exhausted. Boolean.
      • billing_cycle - billing cycle type. Integer. Possible values are:
        • 1 - weekly
        • 2 - bi-weekly
        • 3 - monthly
      • iso_4217 - currency of service plan. String.
      • prepaid - if the service plan is prepaid one. Boolean.