The application supports trusted mode and i_customer parameter should be supplied in this case. 

To add Conference it should be enabled on Account Class of Account that hosts the conference and in Permissions of the Customer that owns the Account.



  • i_account - account hosted the conference. Integer. Required.
  • start_time - date/time when the conference starts in '%H:%M:%S.000 GMT %a %b %d %Y' format (e.g. 09:57:29.000 GMT Wed Nov 18 2009). String. Required.
  • subject - conference subject. String. Optional.
  • expire - date/time when the conference ends in '%H:%M:%S.000 GMT %a %b %d %Y' format (e.g. 09:57:29.000 GMT Wed Nov 18 2009). String. Optional. Default value is start_time + 2 hours
  • confno_len - length of generated access code. Integer. Optional. Default value is 9.


  • result - OK means that operation successful. String.
  • i_conference - Id of added conference. Integer.
  • confno - Access code to the conference. String.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.



  • i_account - account hosted the conference. Integer. Required.
  • i_conference - ID of the conference. Integer. Required.


  • result - OK means that operation successful. String.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.