Configure PIN-Less Dialling on Calling Card application

Sippy's PIN-Less dialling relates to our Trusted CLI Authentication feature. Trusted CLI corresponds with an Account's 'Trusted Numbers' list, that is either entered manually by the customer through their personal portal, or through the Automatic CLI Registration extensionConfiguration of PIN-Less dialling complements your Calling Card IVR Application setup.

This feature can also be considered as an Account's (PIN's) "White-list" when configuring a call-flow that uses a DID and an IVR Application. It stores all registered CLI/ANI numbers on the Account for authentication.

Configure Trusted CLI Authentication on selected IVR Application

  • Following the configuration of your Calling Card IVR, setup of your PIN-Less dialling offering is to be configured. In this instance 'Red Card' Calling Card IVR is being configured.
  • Navigate to IVR Applications menu, and select your IVR eg. "Red Card" to configure PIN-less dialling.

  • Trusted CLI Authentication configuration options can be previewed in the following table.

Trusted CLI related options

Option Meaning Default

Enable CLI Registration If the CLI Registration sub-application enabled True
Automatic CLI Registration After calling card has been entered successfully, add the current CLI to the list of trusted CLIs for this calling card. False
Silent Automatic CLI Registration When this option is set to False the user will be prompted if he wishes to register his phone number (new in 1.7.1). True
CLI Registration Menu Extension Number Extension number for the CLI Registration Subapplication
Trusted CLI Authentication CLI mapping is trusted so the PIN is never asked False
Minimum Valid CLI Length Minimum CLI length that is allowed to trigger the Automatic CLI Registration. 6

  •  Apply Enable CLI Registration option as required for your specific Calling Card. In the example, Enable CLI Registration is the only parameter that will be configured for this Calling Card. Call will be received by the switch through IVR assigned DID, switch will check CLI against Accounts for Authentication, Account relating to CLI will be charged for call without requirement of PIN.

Adding Trusted Numbers to Account


  • Switch operator can manually enter or review your User's nominated phone numbers, through their Trusted Numbers list located in the Actions menu of their Account.

  • Simply add Source Phone Number, select Voice Menu Language to nominate IVR Language relating to CLI, and enter Description as required for user identification purposes.
  • Sippy supports 12 IVR Languages for this application as can be seen in the following image.
  • Save Trusted Number by selecting the green "+" Action, or by clicking "Save".
  • Additional Numbers can now be recorded on the Account following the above steps.


  • Deleting Trusted Numbers from Account is done by locating assigned number and selecting the    Delete icon
  • Editing Trusted Numbers can be achieved through selecting the    Edit icon

Add Trusted Number from an Account's private web portal

  • Manually entering Trusted Numbers from the User's own Account portal. Account Web Interface includes the same operation to add Trusted Number to Account as through Account's Action menu, listed above.

Note: Account Menu options as viewed above can be enabled or restricted as operator requires through the use of Account Classes.