The following functions are only available to a root customer user.
Get audit log records. This call supports trusted mode.
- start_date - start date, format is '%H:%M:%S.000 GMT %a %b %d %Y' (e.g. 09:57:29.000 GMT Wed Nov 18 2009). String. Optional. Default is 1 hour ago.
- end_date - end date, format is '%H:%M:%S.000 GMT %a %b %d %Y' (e.g. 09:57:29.000 GMT Wed Nov 18 2009). String. Optional. Default is 1 hour after start_date.
- limit - return no more than this number of records. Integer. Optional. Default value is 100. Maximum allowed value is 100.
- offset - fetch records with the specified offset. Integer. Optional.
- result - OK means that operation successful. String.
- records - array of audit log records.
- XMLRPC fault in case of any error.
Write an audit log record. This call supports trusted mode.
- action - String. Mandatory.
- resource - String. Mandatory.
- audit_info - Struct. Optional.
- result - OK means that operation successful. String.
- XMLRPC fault in case of any error.