
The System Parameters page includes all options that can be selected for each particular sub-environment.  Note that individual sub-environments which might exist inside the "main" environment cannot be affected by changes in other sub-environments as each environment has its own separate "System Parameters" page. 

Starting from Sippy 2021 a single System Parameters page was split to a set of subpages.


The section includes options for customization of the login page of your Sippy Softswitch. More info...


This section is related to an automatic backup of your environment. More info...

Data Retention

This section includes options to setup the automatic cleanup of your database and the internal storage of your server:

In other words, it controls how long your data (CDRs, expired Rates/Routes) is kept in the database; when it's moved to archives and how long it is to be kept in archived state in the storage of your bare metal server. More info...

Starting from 2020 version a new option was added - Purge Old Invoices in: it determines the period of time when the Invoice entities should be removed from database. The default value for this parameter is 1 year. 


This section includes following parameters:

  • On-Net Calls Duration: duration rounding policy for On-Net calls.

Round: system applies default arithmetical round. 5.2 sec will become 5 sec; 5.5 sec will become 6 sec.

Round-Up: always rounds to a higher integer value. 5.2 sec will become 6 sec; 5.5 sec will become 6 sec as well.

Starting from 2020 version following options were added:

  • Balance Allocation Alg.: Algorithm to define the session time for the calls so that balance is allocated more precise.
  • Tariffs Cost Precision: cost decimal precision default values used upon creation of new Tariff. Default is 20
  • Vendors Cost Precision: cost decimal precision default values used upon creation of new Vendor. Default is 20

SIP, Media, LRN, HEP


  • Realm: a realm to be sent to the remote party during Digest Authorization
  • User Agent: the value to be put into the User-Agent header while sending a SIP request to any remote server, gateway, or equipment of your vendor or customer. Default value is "Sippy Softswitch ${SS_VER}" where the "${SS_VER}" part is replaced with for example"v5.2-PRODUCTION.253" (taken from System Information page)
  • H.323 Converter: H.323 to SIP converter (and visa versa). "Yate" is considered as more stable and reliable as of <=5.2 version of Sippy.Deprecated in >=2020 version along with deprecation of h323 support.
  • Pass-Through Headers - comma separated list of SIP headers that are allowed to be passed at no change from Caller to Callee. Available starting from 2020 version.
  • 2xx Timeout Starts - start time for 2xx timeout calculation. Could be either when vendor is tried (time the INVITE was sent) or when vendor sends 1xx provisional response. Available starting from 2020 version
  • Anonymous in Contact: whether to send Anonymous in Display Name of Contact header to the outgoing leg (usually Vendor). Available starting from 2020 version.
  • Identity Auth Mode - mode for usage of Privacy upon authentication. more information here. Available starting from 2021 version.
  • Follow Me Mode - default Follow Me mode for the case Service Code was used.  Available starting from 2021 
  • Follow Me Timeout - default Follow Me timeout for the case Service Code was used. Available starting from 2021

        SIP TCP Parameters (Seconds) Available starting from 2023
  • Connection Timeout: Maximum time to wait for a connection to establish before giving up. 
  • Connection Lifetime: Duration a connection is kept alive for reuse, even if no data is exchanged.
  • Max Message Time: Maximum allowed time for a SIP message to be completely received on the connection.

        SIP TLS Parameters (Seconds) Available starting from 2023
  • Handshake Timeout: Maximum time to wait for a secure connection to be established before giving up. 
  • Send Timeout: Maximum time to wait for a complete SIP message to be sent over the established connection. 


  • Default Media Relay: default Media Relay to be chosen during creation of any entity which has this option. It could be either a Built-in Proxy or remote SMG server. For example, by adding a new Vendor Connection the system will choose the corresponding "Preferred Media Relay"


  • LRN Server Address: the IP address/hostname of your provider's LRN server. Since 2021 supports more then one server.
  • LRN Server Timeout (seconds): the time the system must wait to receive an answer from the LRN server, before trying next LRN server in the list. Note, that this timeout is superseded by LRN Request(Total) Timeout, which limits the total amount of time dedicated to performing LRN lookup for the call. Available starting from 2021 version.
  • LRN Request(Total) Timeout (seconds): global timeout for all LRN servers. It's the time system dedicates for LRN lookups before routing the call using CLD. Available starting from 5.2 version.
  • Add LRN to RURI - whether LRN CLD should be placed to RURI of outbound INVITE sent to Vendor. Available starting from 2020 version.
  • Enabled LRN Cache: the system is able to keep LRN data for every number separately in order to avoid querying the LRN server every time when it needs the information. The LRN Cache functionality is particularly beneficial to you in cases where the LRN provider updates LRN data only once per week as there will not be a need to frequently request the LRN data - this can save you money in LRN requests.  
  • LRN Cache Expires in: determines how long to keep LRN data in cache. More info...

HEP: Available starting from 2023

  • Enable: Turns on capturing and forwarding SIP messages for monitoring.
  • Local (Source) Port: Port number on which the server listens for SIP traffic to capture.
  • Collector: IP/hostname (optionally with port, transport=protocol; version=number) to send captured SIP messages for monitoring. More info...

SMTP Server

Settings that control the system's emailing functions such as a "Forgot Password" request or a system alert (e.g. Low Disk Space)

  • Server Address / Port: requires an IP address and a port if you use your own SMTP server. The Default value is "localhost" - this means the system is set to use the internal built-in mail agent
  • Connection mode: type of encryption
  • Username / Password: credentials for the connection (if needed)

The "Test" button enables sending a test message to any email recipient

Web Interface

A batch of options to configure your Web-interface. Some of the options are internal options of the Apache web server so we do not recommend changing them unless you're very familiar with the possible consequences.

  • Web Address: the IP address or domain name of your Web-interface
  • Generate SSL Certificate: a checkbox that controls whether to generate a trusted certificate signed by Let's Encrypt. More info...
  • Certificate / Key: options for importing your own certificate signed by any provider (e.g. GoDaddy). More info...
  • Display Precision: all prices in the system are represented as numbers with a floating point. This option controls how many digits to display after the floating point on the Web-interface. Note that the database keeps all prices in raw format with maximum precision. The "Display Precision" option only controls how to represent them on the Web

    An example with Display Precision = 6:

    Here is how it looks in the DB:
  • Default Login Page: an option to choose the default type of Web portal to log into:

    "All" allows the display of a drop-down menu and permits choice of login on the Login page:

    "Customer" sets Customer portal as the default type and hides the drop-down menu:

    As a result, a user must enter credentials as either the "root" customer (ssp-root) or as any other user registered in the system as a Web User or a Customer. If there is a need to log into either Account or Vendor portals, you need to change the address link respectively:

    The same logic is applied for the "Account" and "Vendor" values of the "Default Login Page" option.

  • Maintenance message: message displayed to web users when accessing the server case Maintenance Mode is set to anything but Off
  • MFA - Multi Factored Authentication method applicable to all web users in Environment. Available starting from 2020 version. More info...
  • Total Servers Limit: an option of Apache web server which sets the total server (connections) limit.  The limit is shared between all your Environments. The option is available only in the first (or main) Environment
  • Session Timeout: a time limit for the system to wait before a web user is logged out automatically. For instance, setting "30 minutes" means that if there is no activity by a particular user within 30 minutes, the system closes the web session for the inactive user. As a result, a user has to log into the Web-interface using his credentials again
  • Default Start Date: the first specified time to be associated with the data to be displayed by any report. By default, all Web reports fetch statistics for 1 hour.
  • Maintenance Mode - a feature that restricts access to web reports. You may find it in "System Parameters":
    • if "CDRs update" is selected, the system blocks reports for all users except "remote-assistance" and "ssp-root" user. This option doesn't influence call processing and CDRs storing. Just restricts CDRs web management.
    • if "System Update" is selected, the system blocks web for all users except "ssp-root" user with a message that you may specify in a "System Parameters" menu:

  • Remote Assistance a checkbox that signals your choice of whether to enable or disable "remote-assistance" for the Environment. The "remote-assistance" user is a special user that doesn't have a password; instead, it uses a special pre-shared key to log into your Web. If the "remote-assistance" user is disabled, we (Sippy support) will not be able to log into your Web-interface. It is recommended to keep the "remote-assistance" user enabled because Web access is something that Sippy support  normally uses for troubleshooting purposes.

CDRs Options 

  • Account CDRs - Write Auth Info: case this option is checked/enabled, table cdrs_ext_info would contain records related to call authentication source. 

System will write record for each new call with the following data:

sippy=> select * from cdrs_ext_info limit 1;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+--------
i_call              | 4486934
i_authentication    |
i_privacy_mode      | 1
i_did_authorization |
late_i_did          |
digest_auth         | t
extrn_trans_used    | t
i_post_auth_rule    |

The WEB UI for such a records is still in the development (SS-4950). So the way to get this data is to select information from the table cdrs_ext_info via the database only.