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Profit Reports

Dear Team

Profit reports for any business its very important. Need to give more options in Profit Reports with different option which will be helpful to the switch users.

Currently its shown in ASR/ACD Report and Margin manually need to calculate.

Similarly each customer wise or vendor wise margin reports.

Kindly look the option for the switch/ company owners.

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I agree 100%

At switch owners' level it will be very helpfull. Most helpful if say 4 aditional miscellaneous columns are provisioned with options to calculate expenses per percent of Origination Revenues.

That way  one can comprehensively add expenses such as e.g retail cost at 15% of revenue among others to get a quick view operational bottom line.

Thank you for your suggestions and input Sarath, Abdul and James!

This is a topic that has been in consideration and is something that we are working on to form a solution. The solution is going to take some refining, but we will be on top of it!

Please keep the suggestions coming so we can continue refining the system to suit your needs!

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Dear Kevin,

Any update about this feature. As this is a good one and we also need it as now we calculate profit by using excel formulas :)


I can recommend a fantastic tool Bitseye for the sippysoft... launching of that is expected in sep 2014... attached is a quick document for review.



(1.02 MB)

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This is a feature that is firmly on our roadmap for integration in updates of the Sippy Softswitch in the short future. To this point, Sippy has decidedly delayed it's integration of such feature as specific and unique needs are required by each operator. With CDR exporting features and real time ASR/ACD downloads, custom reporting central to Sippy's operations has had slower progression of development. This has been due to a relatively low requirement of manual manipulation to achieve individualized results. This is a direction that Sippy takes as a considerable addition to the Softswitch, and will be integrated with the same high quality as can be expected from Sippy Software.

We will update our customers with this feature's progress!

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Can you please give us an email ID for bitseye support. so we can contact them for the software product. 


there is no option in the switch to check  profit from a particular vendor

even manually  near impossible!  we have to sort out all the calls that went through a carrier from customers cdr

this is something like making a space craft


I can implement the Profit Reports on your server, if you are interested in it or other features, please contact me.

Thank you. 

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Hi Voicecallusa,

You can contact Bitswits at [email protected] and [email protected]



Please Dear Sir i need one switch User sipy please contact me by WhatsApp number +966581137175. Regards Padala shekar

Hi valued contributors,

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions to help enhance the operational features of the Sippy Softswitch for your business implementation and requirements. Whilst it endured a lengthy development life-cycle, this feature request was released as a development preview in Sippy 4.4 as posted in the Sippy Release Notes. It has since been groomed and is available on request as a module that can be integrated into your Sippy Softswitch. The Profit/Loss feature empowers the operator to obtain reports on billed duration, cost, revenue, and margin for all calls.

The Profit/Loss feature will continue to be refined in future iterations, extending Permissions to resellers (Customer sub-layer) for their own Profit/Loss reporting of their isolated traffic.

Please contact [email protected] for more information.

Kind Regards,

Kevin King
Sippy Software

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