Description-wise filtering option in ASR and ACD Report for specific destination
Irfan Faiz
started a topic
almost 11 years ago
Dear Concern:
Could you please check whether the following option can be implemented in Sippy in near future:
Suppose for India, there are many prefixes (Almost 7000). Some prefixes are Mobile, some are BSNL and rest of the prefixes are state wise like Kolkata, Mumbai and much more. If we can search the description wise ASR and ACD report for any specific destination like India(91), it will be added an advantages for the wholeseller to identify the quality for different area of one specific destination and based on the output, we can make changes into the routing for better performance.
This function is a basic requirement of Wholesale VoIP. We recently moved to Sippy and really finding it difficult in terms of reporting. we carry a separate calculator with us doing all the manual calculations to get the ASR/ASR for each operator --- but that is impossible for countries like India etc where we have huge amount of prefixes and networks--- this is a simple thing what could be added to summary report instead of ASR/ACD recport-- Our suggestion is to remove the ASR/ACD feature which seems of no use in such scenarios where we run multiple destinations on a single vendor the Summary report looks nice if there is one more search filter introduces and also included ASR/ACD in the summary then we wont need the separate useless ASR/ACD reporting functions here is our suggestion which is a very simple implementation in terms of development we have this search option in Summary " Country/Description"
that looks nice and would be much more convenient if this search filter could be " Country/Description/Rate by doing this we can get the network wise stats for each destination/country and also separate the trunks if we are offering multiple standard of terminations for same codes/networks LIKE "CLI Trunk " GREY Trunk" etc ... And similarly if the ASR/ACD could as well be added here which seems a simple job of calculation and introducing two new parameters in this table... Due to such missing functionalists we are really not happy with Sippy and thinking to quit sippy.
We hope this is going to be added on emergency basis ...
almost 10 years ago
I recommend to use the third party software bitseye for better reporting, you can see the demo from the below link.
Irfan Faiz
Dear Concern:
Could you please check whether the following option can be implemented in Sippy in near future:
Suppose for India, there are many prefixes (Almost 7000). Some prefixes are Mobile, some are BSNL and rest of the prefixes are state wise like Kolkata, Mumbai and much more. If we can search the description wise ASR and ACD report for any specific destination like India(91), it will be added an advantages for the wholeseller to identify the quality for different area of one specific destination and based on the output, we can make changes into the routing for better performance.
Irfan Faiz
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